Monday, May 31, 2010

The Lost Posts

It's hard to believe, but I've now been back home in Chicago for as long as I lived in France last year. The time has flown by. I've stayed incredibly busy. Adjusting back to a full time job was a bit difficult. On top of that, I even taught an online algebra course over the Winter.

Adapting to the Chicago winter was another rude awakening. Six months of beautiful blue Provencal skies ruined my weather expectations. Finally, spring has arrived in Chicago, and I feel that I'm awakening from a hibernation of sorts.

Recently sunny weather and a trip through rural Michigan have stirred many memories of Chusclan. While reviewing some of my notes from last year's trip, I realized that I wrote several blogs that were never published. Even worse, I found a list of blog topics that I intended to write about but never did. Well, it's about time to open the vaults and finish what I started almost a full year ago.

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